Alatening Village Council (AVC)
Purpose of the AVC
The purpose of the Alatening Village Council (AVC) is to give more voice to every quarter and community of the village on matters of common interest and concern of the village by providing support to Traditional Council and other institutions under it. In doing so, AVC will ensure a coordinated, collaborative, and strategic approach to the provision and planning of services and facilitates development in the village.
The Alatening Village Council shall consist of 11 members including: (i) Community representative from each of the nine quarters (Ngoh Messeng, Ngoh Azeh, Ngoh Kwifor, Fare-Fare, Munju, Njinechi, Tendong, Alabong and Ntarre) and two additional councillors appointed by HRH Fon Suhfor III.
The current members of the AVC were elected in March 2021 by the people of Alatening. A. C Ngonban was elected as its Chairman.

The Role of the Alatening Village Council (AVC)
The role of the Alatening Village Council:
• Facilitate communication between the quarter heads, the Traditional Council and the Fon of Alatening
• Bring to the attention of the Traditional Council concerns on issues, including the activities and behaviour of various persons in the village that are deemed to be a threat to the village.
• Communicate decisions taken in the village council to the various quarter heads and traditional representatives of each quarter.
• Support the development, promotion and implementation of village improvement plans.
• In February of each year prioritize a list of projects or improvements for each quarter for consideration in ACDA’s budgeting and planning process for the next financial year.
• Provide feedback and suggestions on programs and events to ensure the inclusion of people from target groups in the village.
• To handle conflicts that one or more parties are not happy with decisions taken at the level of the quarter council (It should be noted that, quarter problems/conflicts shall be handled according to the following hierarchy: quarter heads →traditional presentative of quarter →Village Council→Traditional Council and the final decision shall be taken by the Fon)
• The village council can hear matters that are close to our homes such as building regulations and development, public health, local roads and footpaths, parks and playing fields, libraries, local environmental issues, waste disposal and many community services.
• To refer cases of threat to the peace and security of the village to the Traditional Council.
• To organize and control the successful planning of special meetings with the upper Ngemba administrators. Any meeting attended will be based on pre-notification and authorization by the Fon and Traditional Council.
• Minutes of the meetings and decisions taken by the village council shall be send to the Fon and Traditional Council immediately after the session.