The Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre
The Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre is the vision of the Emeritus President of ACDA,

The Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre (AMCC) is the vision of the Emeritus President of ACDA, PGE Augustine Ngongban. It was conceived in 2009 with the first phase of construction works starting in 2010 and being completed in 2015. It was designed to support a wide range of local and regional activities including meetings, weddings, celebrations and trainings.
The AMCC is located in the village market square at the centre of the village and in an easily accessible location with capacity to host events of up to 1500 people. The hall can also be used by other neighbouring villages for major events.
Currently, the Alatening Community Multipurpose Centre is host to the Alatening Health Clinic, the Alatening Cooperative Credit Union. In the medium term, it is also planned that the Centre will also host an Alatening Information Centre and Museum as well as the Alatening Wall of Fame celebrating historical figures and individuals and personalities that have played a significant role in the development of Alatening.

There is still a lot of work to do to fully complete the Centre. The next phase of the development of the centre will be to complete the construction works, including completing the plastering of the external walls, construction of security walls at the internal balconies, electrification, ceiling works, tiling the floors and external landscaping. ACDA will continue to seek for additional funds to complete the project so that the intended outcomes for the project at conception can be fully materialized.