Development Projects
Overview from the ACDA President
Thank you for visiting this section of our website, which show cases a number of development projects which are currently being planned in Alatening and sets out our vision for the development of Alatening.
In line with its Motto, Building together for continuity and posterity, Development Projects in Alatening are carried out under the auspices of ACDA with guidance from the Traditional Council, Takembeng and Village Council. Several of the projects, which have been undertaken by ACDA have been transformative in nature and significantly contributed to empower women and youth in Alatening and its neighbours. Geographically, Alatening is located at the centre of the Upper Ngemba region in Santa Sub Division and delivering on the development agenda of Alatening could be a catalyst for the sustainable development of all villages in the Upper Ngemba region, in the North West Region of Cameroon and the achieving of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Traditionally, funding for these projects have been raised internally through levies to the Sons and Daughters of Alatening. Our Alatening friends and well-wishers have also been very supportive. We welcome comments on innovative approaches that can be adopted to raise funds to enable us complete our current projects towards the development of Alatening and neighbouring villages. We welcome technical guidance and ideas that will help us improve on project design and implementation in order to achieve the desired development outcomes in the most cost effective and sustainable manner. We have developed payment platforms on our website and set up project committees to manage all projects, including funds and donations in a transparent, effective, efficient and accountable manner.
There are currently several development projects which are either under implementation or being planned for execution from 2021. See detailed list below.
We have set out on separate pages, more detail about each of these projects. We have also prepared detailed and fully costed concept notes for some of the projects, which are available on request and we hope that we can count on your support to help us develop Alatening and contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Thank you
M. Elvis Sama
ACDA President (2018 – present)
ACDA Projects List
1. Alatening Community Water Supply Project

The Alatening Community Water Supply Project is aimed at rehabilitating and modernising a 50 year old rural water supply system, so that it can supply the entire village with clean water using a combination of gravity fed systems around adequately managed water catchments and groundwater boreholes to provide access. Read more on the Alatening Community Water Supply Project here
2. The Alatening History Project
The majority of the history and culture of the Alatening people is in oral form. The short and long term goals of the history project are to fully document the history and culture of the Alatening people. There is currently significant research being undertaken by researchers on a wide range of topics in a number of leading universities across in Cameroon, Nigeria and in Europe. It is expected in the short to medium term, a significant body of work and literature will be available on the history and culture of the Alatening people. Read more about the Alatening History Project here
3. The Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre Project

The Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre is is a business center and capacity to host events and offices both for Alatening and neighboring villages. The brainchild of ACDA President Emeritus Dr Ing. Augustine Ngonban, the Multipurpose Community Centre is a key part of the socio-cultural fabric of the Alatening community. Read more here
4. The Alatening Health Centre Project

The Alatening Health Centre is located in the west wing of the Alatening Multipurpose Community Centre and it is need for essential infrastructure and equipment for our resident nurse (currently a volunteer) to be able to handle more complex and emergency cases prior to transport to more specialised hospitals. Read more here
5. Permaculture and Sustainable land management practices in Alatening
The Permaculture Project seeks to mainstream innovative, more sustainable and productive farming practices and methods in Alatening with the ultimate aim of enhancing food security. Read more here
6. The ACDA COVID 19 Project

The entire world has been negatively affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. At the onset of the pandemic in Cameroon, the people of Alatening mobilised resources and launched the COVID 19 relief project to provide immediate support to those most in need of support to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Further sensitization campaigns are planned in 2021. Read more here
7. The Alatening Road Project
The project aims to rehabilitate several secondary and tertiary roads within the village and increase interconnectivity within the village. Read more here
8. The Alatening Scholarship Fund

The Alatening Scholarship Fund is being set up to support students education, especially those of the girl child and the disadvantaged kids from Alatening. It is also hoped that through the Fund, support will also be given to the most deserving students, to further their education and achieve their potential. A specific mentorship program will be developed to increase South-South and North – South corporation via the power of education.
9. The Alatening Cooperative Credit Union Limited (ALCCUL)

ALCCUL is a Microfinance Institution serving as the people’s bank. It mobilizes savings and grants loans to its members at low interest rates. It was created in May 2017 in Alatening. ALCCUL held her first meeting in Alatening with over 150 members registered on that same day. As at the end of the 2020 financial year, ALCCUL had mobilized a total of over 350 members and over 120 million FCFA as members’ shares and savings. Alatening Cooperative Credit Union Limited (ALCCUL) is affiliated to the Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League (CamCCUL) which is a a network of 208 credit unions that also offers microfinance services. CamCCUL re-registered under the cooperative law in 1994 and has been registered by the Banking Commission of Central Africa (COBAC). The Credit Union is managed by a seasoned executive board is open to everyone with current branches in Bamenda, Yaoundé and Douala.Read more here
10. The Alatening Palace Project
Amongst the development plans and projects that ACDA had been working on was the Alatening Palace project focused on renovating the Alatening Palace and building a Palace with infrastructure of modern times. The disappearance of Fon J. C. Suhfor of Alatening in 2018 accelerated the start of the Palace Project ahead of the enthronement of the new Fon, scheduled for 06 March 2021. Due to the critical nature of these works, the Traditional Council of Alatening imposed a moratorium on all other development projects while the Palace Works were progressing. Read more here.