To date, Alatening has had a total of 10 Fons, including Nka’ambi, Tening, Gashu, Awasum, Formukong, Tabara, Frumangwi, Suhfor I, Chimalang and J. C. Suhfor II. Fon J. C Suhfor ruled the village until his ‘disappearance’ in 2018. [ Note, culturally, the Fon is said to have ‘disappeared’ when they pass on to the world beyond to be with their ancestors].
The new Fon of Alatening returned on the 06 March 2021 as His Royal Highness Fon Suhfor III to significant jubilations, euphoria and celebration in the Alatening Palace Plaza. Alatening had found its charismatic leader who arrived with a vision to transform Alatening and lead the entire village and all its people into a brighter future.
On ascension to the throne on 06 March 2021, one of the very first acts of HRH Fon SUHFOR III was to engage with the people of Alatening, establish and finalise the operationalisation of the various institutions of the village administration, namely, the Traditional Council and the Alatening Village Council to complement the Takembeng and the Alatening Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) which is the development arm of the village. All Quarter Heads were formally installed to ensure that all branches of the traditional administration were in place for him to start the work of leading his people into the future.
Traditional Governance Structure of Alatening
The Fondom of Alatening is administered by a Fon at the helm with the Traditional Council, Tekumbeng and Village Council as supportive arms. Beyond these three are the Alatening Cultural and Development Association (ACDA), Alatening Students Association (ALSA) and the Alatening Women’s Association, which are the development branches of the village administration. The Quarter Heads are support arms of the village administration.
One of the very first actions undertaken by HRH Fon Suhfor III when he ascended to the throne on 06 March 2021 was to work with all stakeholders in the village to ensure that all branches of the village administration were operational. He oversaw the organisation of community elections to elect members of the Alatening Village Council and Quarter Heads.
The current Sub Chief of Alatening is Dr Ing Valetine Atanganelere
The current Alatening Village Council Chairman is Augustine Ngonban, President Emeritus of ACDA
The current Queen Mother of Alatening is Barrister Gladys Mbuya

Registration and Administrative Recognition of the Fon of Alatening, HRH Fon Suhfor III
Historically, village Alatening has been one of the few villages in Upper Ngemba Santa subdivision, that did not have its Fon formally recognised recognized administratively as the leader of the people of Alatening. The process of registration is a complex one and earlier attempts to start and complete this process during the reign of HRH Fon J. C. Suhfor were stalled when the Fon disappeared a few years ago. The return of the Fon of Alatening on 06 March 2021, as HRH Fon SUHFOR III rekindled the enthusiasm around completing the registration process.
Between April and May 2021, the various branches of the of Alatening village administration worked closely with the secular administrative authorities of the State to start and finalise the process of formal recognition of the Fon of Alatening as a Third Class Chief in Santa Sub Division. The finalisation of this process strengthens the relationship between the Fondom of Alatening and the State and will ensure that Alatening is present at all major decision making fora as applicable.
Following due process, including broad based consultation with all relevant stakeholders, the Fon of Alatening HRH Fon Suhfor III was formally recognized as a third class chief in Santa Subdivision. Pursuant to Ministerial Letter No 0004560/MINATD/SG/DOT of 28 May 2015 creating Third Class Chiefdoms, including Alatening (spelt Alahtening), in the North West Region, Cameroon, the Prefectorial Order No 459/PO/E.29/ALPAS of 30 July 2021 on the recognition of HRH Fon SUHFOR III of Alatening as the Third Class Chief in Santa Subdivision was signed by the Senior Divisional Officer, SDO of Mezam, Mr Simon Emile MOOH. The effective date of the designation was 21 May 2021.