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    Alatening Community takes part in World Environment Day 2022 Celebrations with tree planting around the water catchment in Ngoh Quater, Alatening

    The World Environment Day (WED) was established in 1972 by the United Nations at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment ( 5–16 June 1972) reported as the first international meeting on the environment and linking environmental protection and poverty alleviations; eventually leading to the Sustainable Development Goals. The World Environment Day was first held in 1974 under the team ‘Only One Planet’. Over the last 50 years, the WED has been a platform for bringing communities together to work together towards addressing specific global or local environmental challenges leading to transformative and impactful changes in communities. The theme for the 2022, WED celebrations was ‘Only ONE PLANET’ focused on the…

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    Alatening Community Water Supply Project – Stakeholder Engagement Workshop at the Alatening Palace Plaza

    ACDA in 2022 is engaging in a giant water project that will supply the entire village. This project has long been a felt need of the population both within and out of the village. Designed to be supplied by gravity and for 25 years, water will come from 3 spring outlets areas and meet domestic as well as agricultural needs of the over 3500 people. Additionally, two underground boreholes fitted with manual pumps will be constructed to meet the needs of about 500 of the population living up the hills at locations higher than that of the locations where the storage tanks for the gravity fed systems will be located.…

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    Alatening Community Water Project is gradually becoming a reality

    Water is life and access to water is a fundamental human right. The people of Alatening, under the leadership of HRH Fon Suhfor III, aims to develop one of the most sustainable community lead rural water supply scheme in the region based on lessons learned from previous schemes as well as other community water projects in the North West Region of Cameroon. To realise this vision, the President of the Alatening Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) , Elvis SAMA set up an Alatening Water Project Committee and called on Chairman Christopher ATANGA to lead the project from design stages, fund raising, construction and delivery to the people of Alatening. Over…