
Alatening Community Water Supply Project – Stakeholder Engagement Workshop at the Alatening Palace Plaza

ACDA in 2022 is engaging in a giant water project that will supply the entire village. This project has long been a felt need of the population both within and out of the village. Designed to be supplied by gravity and for 25 years, water will come from 3 spring outlets areas and meet domestic as well as agricultural needs of the over 3500 people. Additionally, two underground boreholes fitted with manual pumps will be constructed to meet the needs of about 500 of the population living up the hills at locations higher than that of the locations where the storage tanks for the gravity fed systems will be located.  The project will also include water catchment protection measures around the key water sources in the village. When completed, water from the stand taps to be constructed will also serve the public using the part of the Trans-African highway passing through the village.

As part of the design phase of the project, a stakeholder engagement meeting was held at the Alatening Palace Plaza on 09 November 2021 to present the scheme to the people of Alatening and obtain additional information to refine and finalise the scheme. The ACDA President  and representatives of the Project Management Committee shared information on the scheme design, proposed minimal fee structure for the long term maintenance of the scheme and the construction timelines which were subject to sufficient funding being available. There was unanimous support for the project and great anticipation what the transformation that such a key development project would have for other the village and other activities such as sustainable agricultural practices. HRH Fon Suhfor III of Alatening also attended the meeting and expressed a strong desire to see the project materialise in the shortest possible time for Alatening.

Following this key stakeholder engagement meeting in the Alatening Palace Plaza, the refined scheme designs were also discussed at a key  ACDA Think Tank meeting on 14 November 2021, during which the fund raising strategies were discussed and a plan for launching the fund raising to secure funds from within and outside Alatening was agreed. The finalised project will be presented to the people of Alatening and also disclosed on our website in due course.


  • Ban John Beghabe Blaise

    Giant project for a forward looking ethnic group in the Savanna Lands of Cameroon.
    Joint effort from all the sons and daughters alongside other stakeholders will surely allow us to deliver the project . We envisage an increase in economic activities especially in market gardening which is a gainful activity in other villages of Santa Sub Division.